Vielleicht war dieses Jahr nur für eines gut. Auf dem Weg ein paar mal ordentlich den Kopf stoßen, irgendwo dagegen laufen damit man seine richtige Richtung einschlagen kann. Für neue Lebensmottos, für neue Freunde die bleiben und vor allem sich von all dem Ballast befreien der sich angesammelt hat. Free yourself from bullshit! Keine Zeit […]


Monday: A message in a bottle from my sisterfromanothermister and first day of dance rehearsals. Another story brought me out of a loop into a new one. Modern Dance might be my new favourite. Tuesday: Lots of sore muscles and another day filled with learning how to fly and climb on backs of other people. […]


Marrakech. Land der Muster, in die hab ich mich sofort reinverliebt. Die sind nicht aussen dran, die sind innen drin. Kleine Überraschungen hinter Ecken von langen verwinkelten Gassen und Strassen. Es ist mein dritter Kontinent, vielleicht war ich irgendwann auf allen, selbst am Südpol. Und dann bist du da. Alles riecht anders, die Menschen sprechen […]


  First week of my holidays went by in a hurry. Long sleeps and old photographs from my family. Preparations for the trip to Marrakech and realizing I forgot things. Then realizing I don’t need things. Minimalism is key. Marrakech deserves a separate entry with all the lovely details that happened to the two of […]


Broken cars and berry treats. Conversations with two-year olds and bubbles that were bigger than my head. When friday came the holidays started. Two weeks of hanging loose and a trip to Marrakech. The holidays started with theater. Getting into the mood of a person who is in a mental facility is quite a challenge. […]


Shortest school week of the year. 4 Days of intense theater work. Finding roles, dealing with groups, tantrums and tempers. Dealing with my inner self that fell into the abyss of her own created character. Got held by my sister till I was okay. Got a job for fall. A Theaterworkshop that I will give. […]


Weeks, were the middle part is a day off and you can have long breakfasts, strawberrmintsips,  and plan trips around the world are the best kind. So Mademoiselle E. & I are flying to Marrakech in two weeks. Africa. Another continent. Marrakech. This is the most spontaneously planned trip that we ever did. But the […]